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The catalogue of Armeria Brignoli includes all the useful accessories for hunting and shooting. From the most inherent objects to the collateral ones to the practice, the objective of the company is to satisfy every type of customer, from the professional hunter to the neophyte.
The main category of accessories is that of rings and attachments: Armeria Brignoli has a wide range, from fixed bindings to quick release bindings. In the same section you can find the rings useful for shooting practice, slingbacks and bases Weaver or Picatinny.
Other categories, more general, satisfy customers who are looking for equipment useful for hunting but also for everyday life. For example, Beretta watches, optimized for hunting but usable every day thanks to their minimalist design and care. Among the accessories of Armeria Brignoli you can also find slingshots and crossbows, metal detectors or pepper guns. Or torches, transceivers, all types of binoculars, telescope or collimator, up to night vision and thermal and video cameras. And again: the armoured cabinets. In short, the accessories department of Armeria Brignoli is so varied that it will satisfy every desire of the customer.